Pre K Scholarship Organizations
These organizations require alignment letters from each of the school districts they serve with scholarships.
Education Improvement Organizations
These organizations require alignment letters from each of the school districts they serve with programming.
Opportunity Scholarship Organizations
These organizations must check the annual list of school district students eligible for scholarships as the list changes annually. A 5 year window exists in some cases for students whose school district is no longer on the eligible list.
Education Improvement Scholarship Organizations
These organizations simply have to compile scholarship statistics for their renewal application.
Special Purpose Entities
These organizations do not have a DCED renewal requirement but must comply with Pennsylvania banking annual renewals and SEC annual renewals or monitor exemption requirements.
DCED Renewal Application
All renewal applications are available on the DCED EITC website and require a 501C3 tax return, year end financial statement and signed renewal application reconciled properly to all donations received.
The renewal start date in prior years was May 1 so many fiscal year organizations will need to send 2 renewal applications. In 2020 any organization that did not renew properly will not be listed on the DCED eligible charity list. Many banks make tax credit donations between January 1 and March 1 so it’s critical to be listed on the DCED website in early 2020 if your school or organization is use to receiving bank education tax credit donations. Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund can help your organization pass through scholarships to your school if your bank can’t wait for your listing to appear on DCEDs website in 2020.